Tuesday, November 15, 2011

30 days

So apparently it takes 30 days to create or break a habit. And Lordy Lordy do I need to create and break a few habits. In fact I think if I break a few habits I will then have time to create some new ones, so its a win win for all involved!

I have decided that the only way I am ever going to successfully journal our daily happenings here on the interweb is if i CREATE the habit of doing it every single day, rather it is the most fabulous post ever or the most boring and lame thing you have ever wasted your time reading :) I have decided that I need to track our daily life, not the moments when I have a profound thought that I need to work through via my blog. I need to start documenting all of the little tiny things that happen every day that I will want to look back and remember. I want to capture the sights, sounds, smells, and thoughts of each day because quite honestly I know in my heart of hearts it will never be as simple as it is now.

So normally I seem to post Olivia's month birthday posts and then don't really post a lot in between, so to help create this new habit I am going to post her 4 month post tomorrow and today post about today, and the kind of fabulous nothingness that happened today.

My dear sweet little Livy pie is going through what I believe to be, the 4 month sleep regression. And me oh my is it a doozy!!! No nap, not even on me, lasts longer that 45 minutes, and her crib? Yeah we are averaging about five 27 minute naps, and night time??? Well after the growth spurt and cold she finally got back to her 8-9 hour stint followed by two 2 hour stints, that was until a couple days ago when she hit the crazy 4 month, mommy and daddy will get no sleep stage. Poor thing she is super busy these days. Her development is happening at such a faster pace these days that, according to experts, causes a sleep regression, one that makes it difficult for them to travel to the deeper sleeps that we have grown to know and love. I feel so bad for her, I mean you watch her sleep and she just looks busy, it does not look like a peaceful sleep. Because of this I have not had a suuuper productive week thus far, or have I??? I have just been feeling so lazy lately because I am so tired that it takes me forever to get anything done. On the other hand, because of this I have cuddled more and visited more with my little baby O... So maybe these past few days I have been right where I am supposed to be.

This weekend was fun. Friday I spent the day with my momma and baby decorating the house for Christmas, MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR!!! It couldn't have come at a more perfect time because just as the Lord would have it, I decorated, played the music, cozied the house, bought the Nativity Christmas story, and the elf (naturally), and the Good Lord brought me snow!!! Oh but I forgot the absolute most important and exciting thing, Livy baby ate solids for the first time!!! HOLY MOLY!!!! Where did my baby go??!?!? I will give the deets on her 4 month check up tomorrow, but the Doc said she was absolutely ready for solids, and he reccomended mixing it with a solid just to give a little flavor, so carrots it was, and she LOOOOOVED it! I cried and laughed and smiled so hard the entire time she was eating. I was so proud that she is such a big girl, yet so sad because I realized if you blink, IF you dare close your eyes for one minute your baby will grow into a big girl! But I must say it also makes me so grateful that the Lord has blessed us with another day with our baby, and has given us a healthy baby who is developing and becoming a fabulous little human.

Saturday we lounged most of the day, had a wonderful day enjoying the smell of Christmas candles and a cozy winter day with my two faves. We also had the nicest visit with my dear friend Shawna and her little boy who literally melts you with just one look. Saturday night we had our first night out for Crystals birthday. It was our first night out since having O and it was waaay harder than I thought it would be, even though she was sleeping for the night when I left, I still was kind of sad that I wasn't there to crawl into bed right next to her. Ray and Connie came out, had dinner, and watched her, or supervised her sleep, while Derek and I went to Goodtymes and had ourselves a GoodTIME!!! hahah SUCH a mom joke!!! Quite honestly I have had NO desire to go to the bars for such a long time, it just never sounds fun to me, but I wanted to see my family and ended up having a dance parTAY for a good 45 minutes. And let me just state for the record, I forgot how fun it is to just and dance and dance and dance, leaving everyone to believe that me the crazy girl on the dance floor was wasted while really I left as sober as the day is long :) And btw dancing with my hot husband was quite a delight, he still makes me all giddy!!! At the end of the night coming home to my sleeping baby was the highlight of the night.... ugh, how I love that girl!

Sunday was church and family time and family dinner with the Harty's. The fam got to bond with nuggy and it was a dreamy picturesque sight for this mommy. Just seeing my in laws and my niece and nephew love on my baby and see her beam from ear to ear just eating up all the attention made my heart so warm. I feel SO blessed to have the in law family that I have. We are all very different it many ways, we can not always see eye to eye but let me tell you what, we love hard!!! There is nothing we wouldn't do for each other and our children get the most incredible love every time we are all together. I am so grateful for the realness that exists in this family, the genuine love for each other and the love for the Lord. We talk about His greatness, His blessing and the ways we as a family want to bless others. But don't get me wrong we also have moments where we don't say much and just sit and stare at the adorable little one's that are always entertaining us. It is kind of a given that I love my family to pieces, that nothing can replace the closeness that I feel with my biological family, but I can't explain the special, unique, one of a kind love I feel for my in law family.

So there it is a recap full of memories that I will be so glad that I documented. Now it is time to lay my head on my pillow and fall asleep saying my prayers, and count down the minutes till a precious little nuggy decides to use her little dinosaur squeal to let me know that she is ready to parTAY!!!

Thank God for today and everything and everyone in it!!!

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