Monday, September 12, 2011

A walk in the park...

Here I am trying to catch up from last week...SHOCKING !!!!

Last Sunday was a gorgeous Sunday one of those days that kind of feel like they last forever. Usually Sunday's fly by because you are getting ready for Monday. But being that this last Sunday was really like a Saturday because Monday was a holiday I was quite enjoying the long lazy Sunday...haha what a super ridiculous sentence! The morning was full of sleeping, yes even with little Nuggy girlfriend we Harty's still manage to find a way to sleep in. We wake and feed and have a few quality morning conversations and then dose back to peepy time. (yes we most definitely call sleep "peep" it is Jo Jo's most favorite adult baby talk word that we use :) Anywhoo... After a morning of sleep and a minor little tiff with the hubby, I admit while D and I are maaaaaaadly in love we have we do occasionally have a differing of opinions thus leading to tiny little "discussions" as my parents called it when we were younger. And while I wont ever go into detail about the conversations, "discussions" etc between my husband and I, I did promise to keep it honest and real so I must include that in my Sunday happenings. I digress. So after our spat we headed off to church, because we need Jesus! After a wonderful sermon about God in the midst of storms, we headed home to nap the nuggy. When she woke we headed over to mimi and papa's (my parents) to have salmon and steak, and a nice trip to the park with my awesome fam. Dinner, while I didn't contribute much because who are we kidding no one wants me in the kitchen, was amazing. Salmon, steak, red potatoes just the perfect amount of crunchy and soft, and veggies straight from the BBQ...mmmmmm it was delish! Then we headed off to the park for some good ol fashion family time. I even got to bust out my crazy first time mom purchase, a net to cover the carseat so buggies can't get in, to protect my little Livy girl. I looked kind of ridiculous purchasing it, but not so ridiculous when my babe is sleeping away in her car seat and mosquito's and gnats are swarming like crazy and nothing I say NOTHING can get to baby. Nope in that moment I looked like a genious!! Okay well maybe I didn't look like a genius but I felt like one. One point for mommy!

Here are some pics of our walk to the rocky hill. Can I just say that nothing brings me more joy than the laugh of my little nephew Jaxon or Jaco or stinkerbutt man as I call him. His laugh is infectious and watching mimi and papa revert back to little children and run all over the park with him made my heart glad! And the coolest part was, under a white little bug net was my baby... MY baby! For years I have come to the park with everyone Else's kids but never my own, and there she lay in her carseat, undisturbed by bugs, dreaming away, and she is all mine!!! Pure joy!

After the park we ended the night with bbq peaches and listening to the sweetest sound...Stinkerman laughing uncontrollably (see video below) because his mommy is so funny, AND bc he had a drumstick ice cream cone, bbq peach with ice cream, and milkyway. I mean what do your kids eat before bed, bc this kid slept gooood!!!! :)

"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice in it and be glad!"

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