Well it happened... I blinked... I slept... I did laundry... I did the dishes... I oooogled and aaaaahed over my baby and while I was busy doing all of these things, SHE GREW UP!!!
Okay so maybe she isn't TOTALLY grown up but holy schmoly sister is 5 Months old this SUNDAY!!!!
Saaaaay Whaaaaat???
Yes you Miss Olivia Faith are 5 Months old (as of this coming Sunday) and my sweet friend you are just the coolest, prettiest, funniest most ridiculously awesome little human I have ever known!!!
Lets talk about you my little Angel pie pie.
Your eyes are still killer. Like mommy wants them for her own. And when these little baby blues lock with my eyes I feel like my heart explodes and the hairs on my arms stand straight up. No kidding it happens every time our eyes freeze on each other.
And oh baby your smile is infectious!!! And I can already tell you have a very giving spirit because you are so very generous with your smiles, and its the coolest thing ever to see how many days you brighten every time those gums make their debut!
4 years ago I started dating your daddy and he completely and utterly stole my heart. You two are having a very similar love affair. He counts the seconds till he can come home and snuggle you. You, squeak and giggle the SECOND he starts talking to you. In fact one night I was driving you home during our first crazy snow storm. We dropped MiMi off in Liberty Lake and were headed on our trek home when you decided you had had enough of the carseat. You SCREAMED and SCREAMED. I tried to explain to you that I needed to get you home safely and that it would be really nice if you would give me a break. You, lovingly told me to forget it and proceeded to scream. But a very curious thing happened, your daddy called to check on us and I put him on speaker and the second you heard his voice you stopped crying, and every time I would try to talk to him you would start screaming again. So you know what we did for the next 20 minutes? We made daddy talk continuously... non stop! He told you stories and sang you songs until we were in the garage. If that isn't love....I don't know what is!!! I thank God for MY husband but oh I can't even explain the intense gratitude I feel for YOUR daddy. He will be your best friend, your funnest date, your protector, and your number one fan!!!
This is the first thing you like to do when you wake up.
Nuggy bug let me tell you something... God is your everything, family is forever, boys will come and go, and eventually even when one comes and stays forever, STILL, I say STILL, there is nothing like your girlfriends!!! And baby girl you already have some amazing AHHHmazing friends! One of the many things me and your daddy pray for you each night is your friendships with these girls to grow and flourish, and last forever. I love that you are enamored with these girls, that they can crawl on you, rip off your socks, pin you down and steal your binky and you still stare at them with your gummy little grin and I can see it in your eyes, you LOVE your besties!!!!!
You wake up every morning with such excitement. And consequently, since you came along, Mommy and Daddy wake up the exact same way :)
My little baby O I could write a novel, playwright, movie, and produce an album of songs to explain the love I have for you and the awesome bond we have. I have decided to keep that for another post but let me tell you one thing... you and me are the BESTEST of buds!!! You love to shop with me, go running with me, eat with me, play with me and pretty much do anything with me. You love to sit in your bumbo and stare at yourself in the mirror while I get ready. My prayer for our relationship is that you and I stay this close forever!!!

Another post that could be pages and pages long is the immense love you have for your Nana Connie Papa Ray, MiMi and Papa. These four people would do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING for you and I can promise you that will NEVER change!!! Oh the memories your will have with them...the sleepovers, the adventures, the magical moments that will make you want to stay with them forever!!! That's how I felt about my Nana Jo and Baco, every day I thank God I grew up with them!
You finally grew into this flower headband... Your head, as of your 4 month appt, is 42 centimeters. The 95th percentile :) Just like your momma. You have big brains :)
You are tu tu cute!!! (yes momma will crack a million of these "mommy" jokes throughout your life, it's just too easy!!)
Okay sister, what you see here is just your old run of the mill hair loss. No baby rogain for you though sister...it's not needed... you look ADORABLE partially and temporarily bald!!!
I see the new hair coming through and it's gonna be perrrty!!!

Look closely... you have a BOW in your hair. Ugh, I can't even tell you the years I spent putting these little things on my dolly's just pretending that they were you, but now I have you and it was a monumental moment the first time I carefully clipped that little thing in your hair :)

Livy girl your are (PRAISE GOD) healthy!!! I mean like healthy HEALTHY. The other night we had to take you into the doctor to check a little cough you were starting to get and you were 18.5lbs!!!! A little cold doesn't phase you, you are strong, beautiful and healthy!!!
And lets be honest, these leggings look so much cuter on chubby little legs :)
You are sitting up on your own, which I will post pics of below, but you love your bumbo. Your thighs get a little stuck when I pull you out but eh that's okay!!! Oh and that pic in the highchair was the first time you ever sat in a highchair and yes, mommy teared up a wee bit!
You love your family. Your aunties and uncles and cousins. You get excited every time you see them, and just like your nana's and papa's you will have the most wonderful memories with these guys!!! (there are quite a few I couldn't find pics for)
This is you at your 4 month appt. Angel baby you are so amazing!!!
You love your Binky!! And we are perfectly okay with that. We will take it away at Kindergarten!
haha just kidding!!!
After your 4 month appt you me and mimi went to the store and bought a bunch of baby food and cereal and raced home to try it!! Then did it again when daddy came home, which was your "first time trying it!" :)
You tried carrots mixed with cereal and as you can see by your face you LOVED it!! You actually chased the spoon around and made little grunt noises till I put it in your mouth. I am so proud of everything you do!
You LOVE bath time. We sing, we learn, and we splash. Sometimes you take showers with me and daddy and that is by far your favorite! We start family swim at LL athletic club this January. I think you will love it too!
Look at you!!!! Made in God's perfect image!!!
You're just so cool. Not like cool "I need to impress you" cool, but cool like "I'm da nuggy I wear shades to help me go peepy cool!!"
Yeah this may be my fav!!! Don't you ever EVER think for one second that every single part of you is not perfect, because it is!
You are my holiday girl!!! You make every single special occasion just like a MILLION times more special!
You let me take ENDLESS pictures of you!!!
So you see my little nuggy bug...4 months come and gone and now we are on to complete out the 5th and I still am not short of words for you. You are patient, and gentle. Funny and spunky. Smart and so strong!! In five months you have changed so many lives! You have opened hearts, inspired, encouraged, comforted, and brought joy to all of us and you do it by just existing, by just being you!!!
My prayers for you have been the same this month as the last. I pray for God to protect you in your going out and your coming in. Protect your spirit, your soul and your body. I pray for continued development of your perfect little brain and body. I pray for your daddy and I to continue to be able to show you our love for you and Gods love for you. I pray as you wake each day you have new adventures that excite you. That you see the magic in the little things, and that you always feel safe and protected. I pray my little daughter that you get to play more, laugh more, and be loved on more. Thank you for loving me and for being the little angel that you are!
I love you to the moon and back. For ever and ever and ever!!
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