This past weekend was WONDERFUL! Friday night we went to a High School football game with Craig, Savannah and the adorable Miss Harper Rae. It was so good to visit with them and Liv was super happy to see Harper. Sat morning Chad and D went golfing (huuuuuuuge surprise) so Jo Addy Liv and I decided to spend the morning together in Liberty Lake (the best Saturday morning hang out). My lovely little nuggy bug woke me bright and early Saturday morning wanting to eat and although she went back to sleep shortly after I decided I should stay awake bc I knew Jo and I would try to get to the market at a decent hour. As I hung out, baby on my chest watching the totally adult appropriate One Tree Hill I got a call from Em. You see I love those phone calls that come at 7am bc you know it can only be one of two things, someone calling due to an emergency, or your dear friend just calling to have some good morning gossip :) As long as I can remember Em and I have had early morning phone calls. In fact I remember in Junior High and High School calling each other early early the mornings of the first snow. We would call each other and scream a few, "oh my gosh's", and a million, "likes," and then proceed to talk over one another as fast as possible for twenty minutes. And yes that is how our conversations still go to this day. I think we will be a hundred years old still calling each other in the wee hours of the morn to gossip. I digress. So to no one's surprise, in spite of our usual attempt to get to the market by 9, we rolled in around 10:30 which thrilled Em to the core because she had been waiting at the Starbucks to meet us since 9...oops!!! We ended up visiting with some people from high school that we ran into, shopping the market, which really consists of one quick pass through the market and thirty minutes in front of the muffin stand just chattin away. Then Em went to run some errands and us momma's travelled over to Toys R Us to pick up some baby goods and then hurried home.
Side note- I LOVE LOVE LOVE Toys R Us and Babies R Us, like walk in and get suuuuuper excited, like slight adrenaline rush, sweaty palms, I can smell the money burning a hole in my pocket excited.
We got home and packed as quick as possible because Chad, Jo, and Addy and D, Me, and Liv were all going to Chads parents to spend the day and night at the river and soak up some end of summer rays of sun. It was the most incredible 24 hours no exaggeration. We ate yummy food, swam, laughed a ton (per the usual) went for a boat ride had our own amazing morning church, listened to some awesome music, had amazing conversation, and played with our adorable little babies. The funny thing about our time with the Fowlers is it is sooooooooo easy!!!!! The Lord wrote the story for each of our families and in that story was each other. We had NO idea how much our lives would be intertwined, and how similar our lives would be. We have a bond and friendship that goes so much deeper than friendship. We have laughed nothing short of a million times together, cried together, prayed for each other, loved on each other's babies, shared many a meals, taken care of each other and made many many awesome memories together. You know your friendship is special when you spend time together and you leave feeling like you just had a week long vacation. Sooooo fun!!!! Sooooo blessed!!!! and soooo love our friends!!!

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