Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 22nd 2011- It was a really good day + 6 weeks

So I dont get behind I have decided to post today's post now, even though I just posted the update from July 11th. I don't want to get any more behind than I already am... and quite honestly I have some super cute pictures I want to show.

After the extremely challenging weekend we had with Liv I needed a good day. Olivia is the sweetest of sweet baby's she has a super mellow demeanor and really only cries when she needs something...so her crying all weekend long was quite mind boggeling. I mean what in the world did this baby need?!?! It was quite heart breaking quite honestly, the girl just wasn't happy. I mean of course she would sleep every now and then but nothing like normal, and even her night time sleep was restless. We have been trying to figure this little mystery out and between the 5 S's (mommy's you probably know what I am talking about) gas drops, q-tip enema's, maalox(don't judge it's very small doses perscribed by her ped) a bug net for her rock and play so she can get fresh air (cause that helps screaming baby's right??) to mommy and daddy humming incessately for hours upon end, I think we may have figured out what was wrong with baby. To spare the borning details, or anyMORE boring details, I must say today was a good day. I woke up to my happy little girl. She ate well slept well and even fell asleep, without crying, in her carseat on 3 seperate occassions. She napped really hard and smiled every moment she was awake; which brings me to the second title of this post, 6 weeks! My baby girl is 6 weeks old today and smiling up a storm. The little nuggy bug smiles the prettiest biggest smile and let me tell you me and D are putty in this girls tiny lint filled hands. Thank God she can't speak yet cause when she smiles she could ask for anything and me and daddy would give it to her.

We spent the day with MiMi went to the dentist, lunch, the mall, and to my new favorite place called Chillin for some froyo...It was a perfect summer day with the happiest baby. And the best part is it ended with a swing on our front porch swing with our little family of three. God is great and this day was good!

And since I didn't do this for her month post, because there wasn't a month post I will do her stats today.

Baby girl Nuggy you are 6 weeks old today.

You are approx according to mommy and daddy's walmart scale 10lbs.
You are still breast feeding although tonight mommy slipped you an ounce of formula, but will spare you the details why :) you love your mommy and daddy and especially your nana's and papa's.
 You love talking with your bff Addy and had your first lake overnighter with your other bff Lucia and your new friend Bellamy.

 You smile all of the time now and are even starting to make the cutest little cooing noises. You have a love hate relationship with your carseat and LOVE your buggy bug lady bug that plays music on your carseat. Most nights your like your baths but every now and then you love them. Your belly button fell out at 10 days and now you have the cutest little button ever. You have quite the adorable hair style going on, and already I can tell you are going to be a trend setter (even though you live in Idaho) with your Euro chic hairdo. You have a mohawk with two very receeding hair lines, one on each side that are currently balding as we speak. Your right side of your head has about 3 times more hair than the left and your hair in the back goes over your clothing, as in it is already long enough to pony :) haha k not quite that long. Your little eyelashes are suuuuuuper thick, to the naked eye you can not see space between each hair, and your lashes and brows are getting darker and let me tell you sister your eyes are BEA-U-T-FUL!!!! You love your mobile in your crib but can only stand lying flat on your back in your crib for about two seconds. You are sleeping 3-5 hour stretches and your awake time is about 30-60 min. You had your first reaction to Tide detergent and had a rash all over your body just like your cousin Jaco. Mommy, being the relaxed laid back mommy that she is took your temperature only 15 times during lunch just to make sure you didn't have a fever :) Scarlets fever to be exact!! I can't believe you are 6 weeks old, I can't believe you are so healthy and beautiful and wonderful, and still to this day I just can't believe you are mine. Praying God continues to protect and bless you every day for thousands of days to come!

I could just look at you all day... in fact it looks like I do according to my 500 pics I have of you :)

1 comment:

  1. Love reading about your little family. She is a beautiful baby just like her parents. Congratulations. Thanks for sharing. ~Marissa
