Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What I'm loving Wednesday-Part 1

I almost closed my computer...too much to say...too much to do, and I'm tired. Buuuut this little part of me wanted to prove to myself that I can infact do something consistently, every week if nothing else. So here I am posting again, just in time for my What I'm loving Wednesday.
Although I'm actually cheating, I'm not quite done with my original WILW post but I must get rested up for our big playdate tomorrow. I mean it's the who's who of playdates (I've totally wanted to say that line, although I didn't expect to say it about playdates, especially when I've only heard it used in conversations about celebrity's and very affluent business mogels.)  We will get to see Cruz and Pepper, Avy and Palmer, Addy Jo, baby brother in Mama's bell, and sweet Ella, and of course my awesome girlfriends too. Side note: not only do my friends have the cutest kids, but their kids have the cuuutest names!

So anywhoo due to this crazy playdate just hours away, I am blogging a part 1 to my what i love wednesday. It is simple, but enough.
I'm loving Plumb, the Christian (maybe not formally classified as such) folky singer who used to be a mainstream alternative artist, but now frequents christian radio. Anywhoo, sorry about the boring deets, I am loving her new album. I was listenting today and found the song, or actually two. You know the one or two out of the entire album that you instantly turn up, and insert yourself in. The song that you can either totally relate to or wish you could totally relate to?! Well I found these two songs, and they made me think of D.
I love this man, in a real, honest, adoring, yet sometimes critical, and expecting way. We have been married mere minutes compared to so many, so I know our story in it's infancy,  but I do love him, all things considered, all things aside. He is my man, he is my Noah,
You're a bird, I'm a bird.
So part one of wilw, is he..the husband .

I highly suggest you listen to both these songs asap!
"Don't Deserve You"
You're the first face that I see
And the last thing I think about
You're the reason that I'm alive
You're what I can't live without
You're what I can't live without

You never give up
When I'm falling apart
Your arms are always open wide
And you're quick to forgive
When I make a mistake
You love me in the blink of an eye

I don't deserve your love
But you give it to me anyway
Can't get enough
You're everything I need
And when I walk away
You take off running and come right after me
It's what you do
And I don't deserve you

You're the light inside my eyes
You give me a reason to keep trying
You give me more than I could dream
And you bring me to my knees
You bring me to my knees

Your heart is gold and how am I the one
That you've chosen to love
I still can't believe that you're right next to me
After all that I've done

I don't deserve your love
But you give it to me anyway
Can't get enough
You're everything I need
And when I walk away
You take off running and come right after me
It's what you do
And I don't deserve you

I don't deserve a chance like this
I don't deserve a love that gives me everything
You're everything I want

I don't deserve your love
But you give it to me anyway
Can't get enough
You're everything I need
And when I walk away
You take off running and come right after me
It's what you do
And I don't deserve you
And I don't deserve you
"Chocolate & Ice Cream"
You love it when you are with me
I like to be where you are
I love it when you say baby
Let's go, take a drive
I'm chocolate and you are the ice cream
I love old movies at night
You can't sleep late or be lazy
I like to put my feet on yours
Until I fall asleep

Oh baby what we've got
We could never imagine
Would be so great
I bet it's just like heaven
And sometimes I feel like
I am dreaming
And wake up
And you're laying there

I always forget where I'm goin'
You always know where we are
I can't leave out any details
And you forget them all
You can't sit still for a minute
You're hot and I'm always cold
You dress and you shower each morning
And I'm good to dress at all
But I'll grow old with you

Oh baby what we've got
We could never imagine
Would be so great
I bet it's just like heaven
And sometimes I feel like
I am dreaming
And wake up
And you're laying there

Oh you say to me
That you are mine
And I am yours forever and ever
And ever
And I will say to you
That time and space
Could go away
And everything change
Nothing will change
The way I feel about you
I'm crazy for you

Oh baby what we've got
We could never imagine
Would be so great
I bet it's just like heaven
And sometimes I feel like
I am dreaming
And wake up
And you're laying there

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