Well today is October 19th and I last posted Sept 20th, so yeah I am pretty much averaging one post a month which is pretty par for the course I'd say.
OH if only I could tell you how I wake up every morning SWEARING that I am going wake up before my nuggy, make myself a glass of hot tea while preparing my hubbys lunch and my breakfast, then cozy up on the couch to do my devotional, have prayer time with God and then bust out the most titilating blog post with the perfect combination of humor and heart. Every night I lay in bed imagine this morning routine and think NO PROBLEM!!!! I get excited for my productive morning to come, fall asleep already feeling accomplished and wake up to a morning that looks more like this...
5am breastfeeding with one eye open, still feeling optimistic about my morning, but why wouldn't I am half asleep!!! I think to myself I should put Livy back to sleep get up and start my morning now, buuuuuut maaaybe I could put her back to sleep and sleep for one more hour. One hour turns to two and a half, hubby's already gone, Liv wants a fresh dipe and to party w mommy and I can barely brush my teeth and get her dressed before 8:30. Somehow I still manage to maintain a little denial and tell myself that in 15 minutes after I scarf down some hot cereal, make the bed, figure out which pair of work out pants I will wear, feed baby, play with baby,get baby down for her morning nap, I will somehow find time to blog, do devotionals, drink tea and revel in my morning success. Buuuuuut putting liv down takes 30 mins, heating and reheating my hot cereal because I keep forgetting about it take 15 min, and continuously running back in to my bedroom trying to remember what I was going in there for (serious mommy brain!) consumes at least another 10 minutes, and taking a wet towel to my workout pants that I "swear" were clean but somehow magically have spit up on them eats up the last 15 minutes of my morning and before I know it I realize it's 11 and surprise surprise I am running late and supposed to be on the road to meet my mom 5 minutes ago.
Isn't there some saying that all roads are paved with good intentions or something like that??? Well I should tattoo that on my forehead so I can see it when I wake to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night which would consequently allow me to relinquish my delusional vision of this fantastically productive morning that at this rate,being that I want 4 children, I may never have!!!!
With that said here are some of the millions of things that I want to blog about in my daily blog posts that never happen.
(thank you for listening to reading my rant of ridiculousness :) )
I tear up as I write this but my baby nuggy buggy, angel pie, olive oil, livy girl, punkin face, nuggella buggella, is 3 months old!!! 3 MONTHS!!!!!
And baby girl it has been three months of pure bliss!
This face is the face of God's creation in his perfect image. Waking up to you Miss Liv is like Christmas morning EVERY SINGLE MORNING!!!
You are super busy and the second you wake up your eyes are huge and your little legs and arms get movin and a shaking and the AM par-tay with momma begins .
This shirt says it all, while it was a little rocky for a while, mostly when you are tired, you now LUBBA your daddy!!!! You smile at him every SINGLE time he even looks in your direction. In fact you can hear his voice before you even see him and your face lights up and your nose crinkles all the way to your eyebrows!
You are quite the happy baby and are finally getting to a point where anyone can hold you and bring a smile to your face. You are becoming quite the drooler and like putting everything in your mouth while trying to talk at the same time.
You got your first "sickness" a few weeks ago when you got pink eye. Although I have had pink eye several times I acted as though I knew nothing about it. I hunkered down at home, as if you had the plague, prayed over you several times, and had a mental timer in my head that reminded me that ten minutes had passed and it was time, yet again, to check your temperature. I thank God everyday that you are just a wee little baby and you have no idea how ridiculous your crazy mommy is.
This was you at the Dr when you had your pink eye looked at...CLEARLY you were TERRIBLY sick!!!
You are transitioning from being a newborn to an infant. You just started sleeping through the night, from about 9-5, and just about the time we thought it was your new thing and not just a fluke, you started waking up at 3 am ready to play. The only thing that makes this a little bit less painful is that you wake us up with one of your loud hilarious little stories. You actually sound more like a tiny little pterodactyl than a baby. I have heard it a million times yet I laugh every time you do it.
You are my bff!! You and I have the most wonderful days together laughing, praying, singing, eating, sleeping, and dreaming of what God has in store for us.
You still like to sleep on me and cuddle (thank GOD!!!) and this face is the face of perfection, nothing stops me in my tracks and takes my breath away like this face.
You look good in purple! Actually to be quite honest you look good in everything, every color every pattern you are just too stinking cute!
I love the way you look when you way up!

These are the faces I see when I look over at you first thing in the morning, I can be tired beyond words and the second I see one of these faces I can't help but to bust out in laughter, and quite honestly my favorite part is what you can't see in these pictures, or should I say what you can't hear. My sweet little one is usually making these faces while farting the loudest funniest sounding farts you have ever heard.
This picture with your sweet friend Harper looks like I am injected formula straight into your veins, but I swear I am not. I am still trying to breast feed as much as possible and supplement with formula but somehow you had a little growth spurt about a month ago and you just keep growing. Your chin has a nice little cushion of skin to rest on, your neck rolls chafe a bit from rubbing together, and I have to keep your diaper a little loose so when you sit up your dipe doesn't cut off your circulation. I always said I wanted a delicious little chubby baby and I got one!!!
You are the sweetest baby. You speak with your eyes and before your lips smile your eyes do it first. You have a huge contagious smile and you are not selective about who gets the smile. That's one thing I love, you smile at everyone and make everyone smile back :)
you like to play with toys a lot more now, and you are even able to bring them to your mouth, which I am quite proud of! You love your bouncy seat, sans the vibration, the playmat, your crib, the couch, and mommy and daddy's bed, oh and your bumbo and the baby bjorn. You actually hung out in the baby bjorn and cleaned house with me for over an hour...Oh the things you must have seen!!!!
You are always so patient with mommy and daddy as we take millions of pictures of you, and with you everyday!
Did I mention you are happy HAPPY baby, and I love it. Your little spirit is gentle, and loving, and happy and I know you are going to be one of those people that everyone gravitates to, one of those friends that just make you feel good!
You are loving the bumbo more and more everyday, and everyday I am amused by the disappearing act your neck does the second you get in this fancy little seat.
You rock Juicy Couture! Haha the one outfit you have that is truly couture. Thanks Papa you have excellent taste!
Healthy baby girl, praise God!!!
You LOVE LOVE LOVE your cousins. Here your bff Cousin Jaco is telling you "Baby Bobby" a bunch of funny stories and you are looking at him with your "I love you" eyes. The eyes that say I love everything you are saying and doing right now. Over the past few weeks your cuz has taken quite a liking to you. He holds you and kisses you, he tells you he is sorry when you cry, and tries to "shhhsh" you to sleep when you are sleepy. He is constantly asking where you are at, and saying, "Jaco hold baby bobby?!" Not only does is make me and your auntie Crystal so happy but it absolutely melts your MiMi and Papa.
This is you in Nana Jo's outfit in her rocking chair that we got and refinished to make it your rocker. And even though you never met Nana Jo you so have her gentle spirit and my gosh she would have LOVED you. I can hear her saying, " oh honey she is just the sweetest little thing, what a gift from God.!!"
Ummmm....Girlfriend you have B-E-A-U-TIFUL eyes!!! Daddy is going to have lock you up bc those eyes are going to melt a LOT of hearts!!!
You have the sweetest belly, I love to kiss it every morning, a million times over again!
You lubba lubba lubba your daddy. He gets up with you every night. He rocks you, feeds you, sings to you and trys to rhyme for you in song to stimulate your little mind, just like the books said to do :) He has started watching you once a week and your daddy daughter dates are pretty awesome. You are doing much better for him. You don't scream as much. I think you started to feel bad for giving him such a hard time. I think you like your daddy daughter dates also because Chad and Addy come over and play :)
You are innocent and perfect in His image. You are pure, and seeing life through your eyes has shown me a world that I never knew existed!

There are seasons in life when it rains and rains and rains, where you swear the blankets of gray are staying for good. These days aren't necessarily depressing, they are just more mundane and lack luster. You eventually learn to adjust. But just when this becomes your new normal something incredible happens, it rains all night, and you are sure the gray umbrella will greet you in the morning, but when you wake instead of grey you see sunshine and blue sky. You feel elated. You have a spring in your step, an optimism on life, and literally the littlest tiniest things make you so happy. You walk around singing, laugh more, love harder, and just feel like you have a new lease one life. You see this Miss Olivia, is what life is like with you. You are that ray of sunshine that we wake up to every morning. You give life a different meaning, and the tiniest things are so exciting and so new. Our life before you was by no means grey, but you have added a permanent sunshine to our world and literally every night when we say our prayers we thank God for another day with you.
Three months have passed... and I can honestly say I have soaked up every single day.